Monday, January 18, 2010

Adventures in Celibacy

I seldom watch videos that people post on their blogs, especially if they're over a minute long. That's mostly because I'm a snob and rarely trust other people's tastes. You pretty much need to guarantee that the video will either 1-make me snort-laugh; 2- make me feel much smarter than everyone else around me; 3- wow me into silence; or 4- cause me to swoon, drool, and basically lose my shit.

This video is the epitome of option 4. I have yet to see a better screen kiss. Were I feeling super nerdy (don't worry, I got most of my nerd out already by playing online Settlers of Catan), I'd elaborate ad nauseam as to why this is the best. kiss. ever and how my expectations are now so unrealistically high I'll never be satisfied and spend the rest of my life bitter and unfulfilled.

Oh crap. This is Mormon girl p*rn.

And I just can't stop.


Ms. Liz said...

Thank you for being a fellow North and Southphile with me. It makes me feel less alone in the world.

Angelfish said...

Hahahaha - except for the swear word this is pretty much a perfect post! :) I heart it - and you - and especially Mr. Hottie McHotterson himself, Richard Armitage.

photography by suzanne said...

I loved this movie! It is a fantastic kiss!